Purchase of auto parts on the Internet: solutions for assembly and installation

The online sales sites of auto parts have multiplied in recent years and should continue to progress intensively following various laws that have allowed to liberalize this market.
Oscaro, Yakarouler or even Mister Auto: these e-commerce sites include among the leaders in the sale of auto parts to individuals and professionals. Thousands of people order products for their vehicles every day on these platforms which often store tens of thousands of references!
Their advantages? Offer auto parts sold often between -30 and -70% discount and delivered in 48 hours! The order on these websites allows to make significant savings on the repair of his car. Indeed, garages often take a margin on the purchase of auto parts.
The installation of these car parts is not included in the price. To install and mount the products for your vehicle, there are several solutions. Presentation:
Install your car parts yourself
Of course, it is possible to install the car parts yourself. Wipers or mirrors are for example elements of a car that can be mounted quite easily if we know the process or if we learn about the Internet (Youtube is a wealth of information for example ).
Tires and headlights are also quite easy to assemble. If you have a little time and you are a little handyman, choose this economical solution!
Installation cost: free!
Spend by an assembly center or by a mechanic
For those who do not wish to join hands, there are fortunately hundreds of professionals who can take care of this installation sometimes difficult and quite time consuming.
You can, for example, call an assembly center near you but also some garages who agree to mount the auto parts purchased elsewhere (you often have to find the right professional!). You will still have to move with your car parts for the garage to take care of your vehicle.
Please note that parts purchased by motorists are not guaranteed when installed by a professional. In case of defect of the part, it will be necessary to turn towards the e-retailer.
Approximate cost of the assembly: from 15 to 100 euros by piece (the installation of a tire does not take the same time as the installation of a muffler for example).
Go through an independent at home with CaptainDrive
A last unknown solution exists: the installation of auto parts at home by an independent garage owner.
Home mechanics are qualified and experienced professionals who come to your home or workplace to repair your vehicle or install parts. self. They are freelancers who can intervene very quickly (quite the opposite of traditional garages and their deadlines!) And who willingly accept to install all types of auto parts.
The car mechanic at home will allow you not to move and pay the right price! In addition, these professionals are often located close to you and therefore do not charge for travel expenses (unless you live several tens of kilometers from a city of course!).
At Captain-Drive .com, we put garages in touch with their future customers for the installation of their car parts!