Which insurance should I choose for a mechanic/mechanic at home?

At CaptainDrive, our goal is to help home mechanics and garage mechanics to start and expand their business. We try to advise and provide the right information at the right time. Today, let us attack the choice of a professional insurance for a home mechanics activity.
Like all professionals, garage mechanics and home mechanics must provide themselves with professional insurance to secure their property. benefits as well as to cover any damage that may be caused to third parties (to customers for example). This article will present you all there is to know about this essential element of your activity.
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Professional Liability Insurance for the Mechanic
Professional Liability Insurance (commonly known as RC Pro or Professional Liability) is the most indispensable insurance for a car mechanic.
This insurance allows you to cover yourself against any damage you may cause to third parties: to your customers motorists or even to others during your professional activity (accident by example). Without it, a home mechanic may have to pay huge amounts in case of damage.
The choice is quite wide regarding this type of coverage. So do not hesitate to have insurance companies recommend you by other mechanics or to compare several RC Pro on the internet. We repeat, this professional insurance is essential for you! (all garage owners present on our platform own it).
Professional multi-risk insurance for the mechanic
To completely secure an activity garage mechanic or mechanic at home, it is necessary to ensure his tools. Indeed, this material is your working tool and without it, you will not be able to carry out a majority of the requested interventions. This can be very problematic!
Same thing for your vehicle (truck equipped or not) since this activity requires being able to constantly move to the customer's home or place of work.
Some insurances (like the MMA) offer to insure the truck, the tools and the local (if you have one). In any case, do not hesitate to contact several insurances to expose them your situation and your needs.
As an example, an insurance can propose you a price of 4000 to 5000 euros per year for provide local, equipment, auto fleet and professional liability (RC Pro). As a car mechanic at home, you will have less to insure and should pay less.
Become a car mechanic at home with Captain-Drive.com
CaptainDrive is a website that connects motorists with garage owners in their area. By registering on our platform, you can receive qualified quote requests and find your first customers! Do not hesitate, registration is free!